I remain computer-less. As we speak a kind young man is attempting to revive it. In the meantime I have been searching the archives of photo's and ideas stored in my drafts. This one is from Fall 2012. I collect ideas and revisit periodically. Sort of like my own personal Pinterest collection. This is a style that has been a favorite of mine for a while. I actually have two sweaters very similar to it. It reminds me of the one that Cousin Isobel has worn this season on Downton Abbey.
Hers is a light blue with a more fitted peplum and a little tie bow in the V neck. I have been searching for a photo of it with no luck. I am not sure where I found this one, it was some time ago. I like the blue/gray color and the styling. It has a retro look but a modern profile. With the right weight sweater knit it should be relatively easy to fashion. I do have some in the stash......I should be starting Spring items now. Have you ever made anything like this? Did you find the sweater knits rather fiddly to work with? How do you stabilize the seams?
