On Day 5 I Find the Perfect Pipecleaner Christmas Tree !

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X_1ZgBZKbLc/UMi56imgd2I/AAAAAAAAQ3s/DX0YAR-Fo9o/s1600/pipe-cleaner-tree.jpgThe December 2000 issue of Martha Stewart Living was full of great Christmas decor. I am a fan of antique feather trees, however, they are not a fan of my wallet! This little pipe cleaner beauty is a close second. Can you stand it? I may be wrong but those little "candles" look like candy cigarettes to me. I should know, they were a staple in my life! The candy canes could be fashioned from a red and a white pipe cleaner twisted. This could be done, not enough time this year, but maybe a future Christmas? Even the little boxes are bow-tied with pipe cleaners. Look at the little dog on the front left with the bell on. I wish I had seen this in September!!!! Merry Pipe Cleaner Christmas:) 
