So here is Mary Jane's scrap quilt. Made from left over 2 1/2 inch strips from our cutting bee. |
This is the pattern printed from the computer. |
from one of my favorite sites and designers, Bonnie Hunter. |
See the purple printed violet strip? Mary Jane used this in several blocks.
Here we have the same fabric in a square on Linda Sue's quilt.
On these two examples, we are looking at gray/black rocks!
The rocks are like setting triangles on this block.
The red strip.
The red center of the nine patch.
White dots on aqua background in the stips and in the blocks!
Yellow print.
More of the yellow print. Can you believe how many quilts and different designs of quilts have been made from those strips we cut months ago? It was a great success, but we might be "stripped-out" for a while! If you have a group that needs a project, remember the cutting bee. It can be designed to suit the needs of the group, certain patterns, whatever. I am so impressed with our ladies. Bravo!
Linda Sue has another Advent wall hanging in progress here. |
***Pss. Thank You Linda, I will be forever grateful! You know what I mean!
*Vintage Card, Google Images