The Wardrobe Plan, Sorting Out Our Fashion Lives

It's been a few days and I am sorry for the drop-off. Family issues have kept me busy, now I will try to get back to my normal. That is not saying much, but I will give it the old college try. Looking through my pattern stash led me to thoughts of what I need in my wardrobe, the holes and deficiencies. My life-style has changed and I need to reflect that in what I sew.  

I think many of us live several fashion lives. Recent blog discussions address the issue in different ways, but like many, a new season leads me to edit the wardrobe and do a little purging. I did, a few weeks ago. I really don't need much, clothes wise, but an update would not be a bad idea.

The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe  
Remember this? Sometimes I thing my "Wardrobe" needs to have a secret door, a place where magic would happen.  And I can be a little "witchy" when I can't find something that I want to wear!

 I have decided that I live three different dressing styles.  My home style, my public style and my dress up style.
  • Home style has to be comfortable. I need to be able to move freely, to be able to bend and stretch and reach for the stars. I need to appear to be pulled together enough to leave the house and face the public without fussing. This translates as neutrals (where would I be without black??) layers with the cooler weather and comfortable shoes. I always wear shoes. I admit, I may even have a wee bit of a shoe problem, but that is a conversation for a support group. In cooler weather a cardigan or pull over sweater is a given and always comfortable jeans or knit pants. This is me 75% of my life now.
  •   For example, Lands End corduroy boot cut jeans.  
  •  Women's Original Boot-cut Corduroy Pants

    Women's Original Boot-cut


  • Public style is more pulled together, more polished, more of what used to be my day wear actually. I wear a more structured trouser, a tailored skirt, or separates. A jacket is usually involved.  A collared shirt or blouse is included. The Dansko clogs tend to take a back seat to a dressier shoe, sometimes with a little heel. This works for travel, dinner out, church and certain other appointments.
  • Now, the dress up style doesn't really visit that often anymore. Since our lifestyles have become more casual this is essentially reserved for only very special occasions. Sentinel events such as weddings, anniversaries, special birthdays, reunions etc. I am sure that you know what I mean. Holiday events, while dressier, are not ball gown events anymore. I sort of miss that really special occasion. I tend to not stock these clothes. They are only sewn or purchased as needed. 
I want to spend more time quilting but there are some garment projects that I want to pursue as well. Again with the compromise, I still wish I had 40 hours per week to sew. 
Not one to re-invent the wheel or redundantly repeat information, I suggest you  pop on over to Sunni's blog. A lovely and talented young lady, she is exploring her closet as well and is running a great series on wardrobe building.  If you are 20 or 70 she is offering great advice. Meet Sunni.

Gratuity Moment: this week is essentially over. Ready for a re-boot for creativity. 
