A Moody Sky

I have come to a conclusion. I like a Moody Sky. While I hear others bemoan the waning summer, the cooler air, the crisp sound of drying leaves in the wind, me, not so much. Rather like having to listen to the television sound turned up to hemorrhage levels (bear with me Husband says) the sun and heat of this summer has just been too much! Too intense, pupil reflex in constant constriction. Even with sunglasses.

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With the moody sky I noticed what felt like a reduced atmospheric pressure. A relaxation of the facial muscles that occurred when the sun went behind a cloud or two or more. There is an area near me that offers up the most glorious skies. It is near an airport. Heavy traffic there rather prohibits me and my camera from jumping out of the car for a few snaps. But this photo mimics that view. It is also a signal to prepare the nest. The home. Bring out the lap robes that we use to keep warm when sitting down for tea or knitting or television or reading. Gather the fire wood. Time for warm soups and stews, fresh bread and lively dinner conversation. A nice newly knitted scarf to warm the neck and a refreshing walk through the woods with the dear four legged friends sans mosquito's.   Yes, I like the signs of a Moody Sky.

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