The cottage industries in China are apparently still thriving. The tourist, Rose's daughter (from the Tuesday Sew and Sew Group) picked these up for her on a recent visit to the Great Wall. After some searching she found this little shop at the end of a grassy trail. Fabric hanging on clothesline type affairs, just printed, drying. These are all indigo dyes. Since the makers did not speak English, information was a bit limited. But the fabrics are beautiful. Rose likes small prints because she is our Miniature expert. These have such depth of color and the design lines are not blurred or smudged. Nice and clean. I can't wait to see what Rose does with this fabric.
This large piece of fabric, about 50 by 70 inches I would guess, is tie-dyed, with indigo blue. Around each of the motifs, white beads have been applied.
It was purchased in a shop at the Great Wall. Rose is not sure what she will do with it yet. It is lightly hemmed on the short ends.

A close-up shows the shadowing at the edges of the negative space. Notice the tiny beads around the motif.
a closeup of the center motif. Wow. | |
Gratuity Moment: patience, I am blessed with it, don't know how and don't know why, but I am thankful.