While I was away the weeds have come into their own. We did not have a hard freeze this past winter, so the weeds, the seeds of the weeds, and their extended family have come to stay...for the summer! Husband took a chemical approach while I was away and let me just say I am dismayed. The weeds he eradicated appear to be Chernobyl cast-offs. He also did a little over-spray. Let me just say, if my Asian Lilies do not bloom, someone in this house may experience a cold shoulder. Anyway......
my orchid, with 25 blooms is inside and safe from chemical man! |
the rabbits around here have been eating lots of Ceasar salad, only four plants remain! |
this little orange-blossom tree/bush used to bloom like crazy with a wonderful heady orange scent. Now, not so much. The few blooms that survive are a pure delight. |
aren't they delicate and sweet? |
this is an old rose bush. it starts out deep blue-red then the outer petals become edged in black |
blooming parsley. yes, this is a left over from last year, it survived the entire winter intact and now has blessed us with these charming little flowers. The trellis blew down during a spring storm and the parsley grew around and through it! |
So the plan for the day. I need to get into the studio and start/work on those children's quilts. My original plan was for Easter, see how that worked out? They are so simple but I just couldn't get it in gear. Today is the day, really.
Gratuity Moment: the parsley, I still can't believe it survived, and even more, it bloomed!