In 1949 the McCoy Pottery company produced an item called the Ivy Bowl. For one year these little vases graced the modern table. A few remain. I inherited mine from Husbands Grandmother. I found it while cleaning out a fruit cellar under her porch. I have seen these in turquoise and this celery green. Mine is the green. I arrange flowers in it. I have hears some people plant the succulent "hens and chicks." It is small, about 6 1/2 across.
I have no idea why they named it the Ivy Bowl because the embossing does not resemble ivy to me, unless you were supposed to plant ivy in it? If anyone knows, please enlighten me.
the underside |
The color is accurate here. It is a green/blue popular at that time.
the side view |
This has either seen little use or was well cared for. I suspect it was well cared for. I find it very attractive.
Gratuity Moment: unearthing little bits of personal history