Tool Time-the Singer Walking Feet

When you sew, or belong to a group that sews, people give you stuff. Fabric they bought or inherited and will not use, thread that they don't need and sewing machine parts and accessories that are orphans. Enter this little collection of Singer Walking Feet.
part of the collection

This one appears to be missing its housing. It is so industrial looking! 
this one has apparently walked from NYC to Paducah!

the twins
These walking feet were all donated to the church where we have our weekly quilt group meeting. They were passed to me to see if they fit either of my Vintage Singers, the Rockateer or the Featherweight. After some basic housekeeping today, I will head to the studio finish a little project there and give these feet a try. I can't imagine doing any large project (quilting on the Featherweight) but Rocky is a trooper on large projects and I would appreciate a walker for her. 

Gratuity Moment: thoughtful people who pass on items like this rather than toss them.
