When I pulled this one out of the curio, primarily because it has a Harvest theme, I had one thought...."What was I thinking?" This is sort of on the verge of ugly. Anyway, here it is. Another Cracker Barrel purchase from about 10 years ago, I must have had a large meal and all the blood from my head was busy digesting when I picked this one up. Oh well, they can't all be Royal Doulton!
red and purple grapes, an ear of corn, leaves, a pumpkin top lid and a squash-like handle |
the lid is the top of a pumpkin and the handle is a nut of some sort |
some sort of knobby squash for a handle |
Gratuity Moment: if I remember correctly, there were a set of four cups that went with this pot, Whew! dodged the bullet and didn't buy those!