What do you do while watching television?

Actually, that question almost answers itself. How much time I spend actually watching television is questionable. If there is a program I want to really pay attention to I will record it because when I get involved in what I am really doing, 30 minutes will pass and I will no longer be able to follow the plot line, mmm. My DVR menu will confirm this. So here is a little list of what I have done while watching television with my family:
  • pulled tear sheets from 50 quilting magazines, yes I did. Of all that I saved about 30 patterns and ideas. Not bad culling if I do say so myself. Now they need to go in their little plastic sleeves, be sorted into categories and placed in their binders. The down side of this is that I found 50 more projects I want to do!
  • I studied the French Vogue "Top Ten List" and edited it to fit my age and lifestyle, more on that later.
  • working on the knitting,   
 The infinity scarf in the tweedie linen and two strands of blue. The blues are a cotton yarn and a novelty yarn that were freebies at a yarn and crochet faire back in February.
Hopefully you can see from this photo how fragile the novelty yarn is. Thick and thin, nubs and slubs. The cotton in thicker, no stretch and the perfect stabilizer.

  • circular needles, of course. The cast on was 200 stitches. More on this when it actually looks like something:)

So another stormy and rainy day here. Not a hurricane, thankfully. While my family is in the process of evacuating, my thoughts are with them and their safety. The storm is to hit them Friday  (NC) and Saturday (Va,) so they are moving inland. While I am preoccupied with everyone affected by the storm, I will work on the current quilt. Idle hands make me nervous!
