Sometimes You Just Need to Sleep On It!

Have you noticed that sometimes, after a good night's sleep, that questions answer themselves, problems gain new perspective in the light of day and solutions appear with little or no intervention. Well, early this morning, I opened my computer and lo and behold, my Followers profiles have returned. I have no idea what or why but I thank the blogger gremlins for their late night machinations! Now, my next question of life is.."why does Stevie Nick's still try to hit the high notes? Give it up girl!"  My inner cynic is alive and well.

Now lets talk about sewing.
I have been receiving Threads Magazine for its entire life except for two years during the eighties when they went on a tangent with the military/camo trend. There is just no way that this self respecting female is going to go about looking like a freaking tree!

There have been multiple readjustments during its life. Always a step above beginner sewing level, Threads introduced the home sewist to the fine workings of designers whose couture techniques defined its genre. A couple years ago a trend emerged to attempt to lure the beginner and craftie sewers. Not good for the die-hard Threads readers and contributors. The letters to the editors and e-mails were quite testy, often down right furious. Yes, there were cancellations. Since there are oodles of other publications geared for this, Threads reexamined their direction. Now, they have mostly moved back into intermediate and advanced techniques with good reinforcement of basic concepts.

I spent way too much time with the current issue yesterday...wasn't I supposed to be working on a quilt?  Anyway, as the cover clearly states, we are talking about lace. I have had a love-hate relationship with lace I must admit. I think wedding gowns, curtains, tablecloths, underwear. I have worn a blouse or two with lace trims and even sleeves. I even had a couple t-shirts in a strechy lace in the 1990's.

This is beautiful. Special occasion for sure.
The photography, typical Threads high standard, illustrates techniques very well. Like the binding in the next photo.

 The article, written by Claire Shaeffer, one of my favorite designers, details finishing edges,dealing lined and unlined garments, bindings and ribbon facings. Amazing detail and so professional. I will likely do some lace this season because of this article.                                                                                                        

Another favorite article deals with a threat I made the other day, how timely, the coat. I am a coat person, yes I am. Jackets and coats are out of summer storage in September and do their duty until May. I have not made one for a while, but I really need to work on this. Last year I decided to whip up a coat or two and gave all my winter weight coats to charity except for one 20+ year old stadium style duffle coat.  Since I never got around to making the coats, that old red duffle saw lots of use. Now, I do have a couple others around but they are shabby, old style, no longer me.

This piece, by Cecelia Podolak, one of the Fundamentals series articles, is just what I need to deal with my coat issues. From unlined, to partially lined and fully lined styles she provides fabric choices and defines pattern styles.

These are only two of the topics that I spent time on, there are many other good features in this issue. It is probably one of the best I have seen in a while. Have a good weekend. Still in the middle of bathroom renovation here, I try to remain optimistic. There are problems with second installed bathtub/shower unit. Owner of company is to be here at 9am tomorrow. Wish me luck, this is starting to look like a disaster!

Gratuity Moment: I'm reaching here, I'm not grateful yet, lets get this bathroom DONE!


julochka said…
I am a firm believer in the capacity for sleep to solve problems, and also in "wasting" time looking at things that inspire. happy weekend to you!
gwensews said…
I just got my magazine today. It is a good issue.
Unknown said…
Ooohhh! I haven't gotten this issue yet. I can't wait to check it out! (Fall issues are always my favorite :)