U.S. soldiers pray during a Memorial Day ceremony at Camp Victory in Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, May 31, 2010. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
While Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer season in the USA, we must remember that the freedom to celebrate this day was won by lives changed, lives destroyed, and lives lost. My Father, a WWII veteran, never talked about the war. Four years, in foreign countries, fighting and starving. Liberating family members from a concentration camp. It changed him, forever. My husband served in a different war, a different time. His was a non-combat position, stressful, secret. It changed him too. So remember that military service is a sacrifice for families and soldiers.
May your holiday be a joyous one with friends and family. Drive safely and remember to honor our Military.
Gratitude Moment: our freedom as guaranteed in our Constitution and secured by our soldiers.