Wednesday progress-#2

Now here is a little peek at the "Patriot" quilt. I am hand piecing this and will hand quilt it. I have 8 rows of the center section done. I am sort of designing it as I go along. This is a great project to work on in the evening in front of the TV. In the latest version of Sleepy Hollow by Tim Burns, Ichabod Crane is nestled in his little attic bedroom covered in a quilt with this pattern. I don't know the name of these off-set triangles, research will be required. A work in progress, I'll keep you posted.


julochka said…
will the whole thing end up zig-zag, like that one row towards the bottom of the photo? my zig-zag wasn't done in triangles, but in squares...this looks much harder! especially if you're doing it by hand! i'm such a sewing machine girl. i love the speedy zipping it up! that said, i have some old quilt tops that my great grandmother did that i intend to hand quilt into finished quilts. but first, i need the house to be done, so i have the space for it. do you have a quilt frame? how do you tackle hand quilting a large quilt?
celkalee said…
If you have access to a good quilt shop, or on-line order, you need to look at charm squares and/or any of the other pre-cut squares. That makes these kind of quilts a little easier. I had this yardage in fat-quarters for several years and decided to reduce my stash. The issue for me with all these points and triangle is fitting each segment and leaving the 1/4 inch seam allowance for joining. I started by hand tacking each point to avoid the inevitable shift while machine sewing. Then I just continued piecing. I belong to a sub-group of our Quilt Guild that meets every Tuesday. This is the perfect traveler. I am not sure how I will proceed after this part is done. Reds are difficult to match. I should call this a mystery quilt!
celkalee said…
ps- under my tab, Archives-photo-quilting, is a photo of the Grace Z44 quilt frame. This is what I use for large hand quilting projects. I also have a Handi-quilter frame for machine quilting. I use a home sewing machine with that. I'm not very good. I have one quilt in storage because it comes out during the summer, I'll post a photo of that one soon. I don't like to machine quilt very much.
Oh, I love the red, white and blue! Did you ever finish this quilt? The one I'm working on uses isosceles triangles like the quilt in the movie, plus the alignment is different; I find this a little intimidating!

And yes, great minds do think alike. ;)