Sunday:Plan and Post #2

A little brightness came my way when I entered my local market and was greeted by these sweet little Shamrocks. Check out those sweet little flowers. I consider March the "Muddy Season" here. The ground has thawed and every other day we have rain or snow showers, depending on the fickle thermometer. So, if it is not brown, and looks like green, with little white is sooooo good! Happy St. Patricks Day.

The Plan for the Week:
1. Critique and finish B5215. I have been fussing with this pattern, some things are good, others, not quite what I expected.
2. Directly related to item 1, PJ bottoms, I'll explain next post.
3. Cut a muslin to work on waist-band fit 7229.

I would love to list more but that is self-defeating. Trying to be realistic and using my time wisely is part of this Sunday plan and post process. Ps, I am not a photographer in case you haven't noticed:)
