Bits and Pieces: the classic yo-yo

Yo-Yo coverlet, as lap robe or a tablecloth

close-up, many different scrap fabrics, I think 112 in all!
There are several on-going conversations in blog-land about what do you do with all your scraps? If you are a quilter, you know all too well how they add up. I tend to cut a selection of 4 1/2 squares from the larger pieces. I collect and collect until I am faced with a stack that needs to be managed. These little Yo-Yo's are the result of about 8 years worth of collecting. As a quilter, I am always looking for great fabrics and sometimes I bring home many fat-quarters (1/4 yard cuts) to add to the collection. These frequently end up in scrap quilts and yet, more scraps. I cut the squares into circles, turn the outside edge 1/4 inch and gather the circle. Pull those gathering stitches tight, knot and....magic....a Yo-Yo. Then I stitch them together. This particular project was mostly made from the fabrics in the off-white and what I call "Colonial" colors of greens, reds, and blues. The finished piece is about 60 inches square. I have made them smaller to use as a centerpiece mat and larger to use as a bed quilt. Each one is different and reminds me of projects past. This is also a fun portable project because you need little to carry along and soon have enough to assemble!
