Happy New Year, This and That, Look Forward to 2022

 50 Happy New Year 2022 Wishes

 Hello there, Happy New Year 2022! The last week of the year 2021 went by so quickly, how did that happen? All my packages arrived, the Christmas dishes have been washed and put away until next year, (a ladder is required) and I have some loose plans for myself, plans that I hope will make me more productive while maintaining a level of simplicity that helps me enjoy what I do and how I share my life.

Decisions for 2022: And then there is that! Things have been quiet on the quilting front in Sewtopia. Have you ever just gone flat on a project? I have been dabbling in many other projects and the Coronet has been on stand-by. Not intentionally, but yet it is true. Therefore, I will decide in this year whether to keep her or not. She is a space eating girl, this one. If I don't start using her more, she need to go to a home where she will be able to spin her wheels, deep into the night, I am getting claustrophobic in the studio. In addition, I have some vintage machines that may or may not be sorted out. All are in perfect condition, they also need to be used.  

Gatherings: Out of necessity I have attempted to carve out my free time more carefully. My responsibilities at home are, of course, first on my agenda. That has resulted in some schedule adjustments. Into the new year I will continue to polish those snippets of time to accommodate my personal obligations. Not always an easy task, but important to address. 

 The Lutterloh System: New Projects. This is a big one. Rather an reincarnation of sorts, the Garment Project, 2022 will be a challenge. Using some basic plans moving forward, I will be revisiting one of my favorite types of work. I am testing a new system. Not new to the world of sewing, but new to me. I have queried some of my very talented and accomplished friends, they support my cause. This is a test dear sewists, this is a test! This project will address fitting issues, lifestyle changes, and budget. I have not purchased RTW in some time. (ready to wear) Construction poor at times, quality of fabric also lacking, block styles with little or no fitting, I have had enough. I will not support the Fast Fashion that now dominates our markets. A return to traditional fashion is my goal. I cannot abide the wearing of sleepwear in public, casual dressing to the point of not dressing at all! A lady should never dress with such carelessness as to expose private body parts. Trends aside, I will elevate my dress to respect those I encounter. My hope is that my vision will stimulate others to reconsider how their appearance reflects their respect for themselves.  It's is a gift to have the means to proceed with a project like this. I am grateful. 

While working on this project, I will still do some quilting, some embroidery, cooking, gardening, decorating, tea times, field trips etc. Sewtopia is more than sewing, here at Maple Lane House I try to fill each day, not waste time (even though I do) read, expand my knowledge of one thing or another. And of course, the antics of Lola Bean cannot be overlooked. She is a huge part of my life, how I spend my time, and how easily I am distracted!

I suppose this month's This and That post is one that is about closing out 2021 and planning for 2022. I really gave up the "resolution" habit years ago, but I just cannot let go of the hope I feel when turning the corner into the New Year. I also think that the trials and tribulations of the last two years have clarified my view of how I want to spend my time and how I can best accomplish some goals that have rather eluded me recently. I have a friend, now passed, who used to say she needed to "...weed her garden." Her intention was to move on to a life that would be less complicated, more meaningful, and more mindful. There were several elements to that plan and sadly she was not able to proceed due to illness. But in a sense, she defined to me, life elements that I also needed to address. That said, I am slowly working on a plan. Don't laugh, I ponder, a lot. 😁

 Ideas: As I scan the webs, take my virtual classes, and come upon something that I think will be of interest, I will continue to post it here as well.  Our next excuse to make holiday themed items....Valentines Day!

 In closing dear friends, May your New Year be one of hope, happiness, and good health. No matter what our plans, be they for sewing or another chosen path, may they bring fulfillment to your soul. If I can support that path, I will be more than happy to do so! 
