Well,, well, well, This is a fine pickle. Sleep often escapes me so I read, late at night, early morning. With everything going on here a shrill telephone ringing at 2 am causes a domino effect. The sewist is wrapped in a knit blanket and I mean wrapped up like a baby in bunting. Then because she removes her eyeglasses to read they are perilously perched on her chest and ripe for an incident. Enter the phone trill, she stands up, the spectacles slide down the bunting and as she tries to grab them she manages to tangle her legs in the blanket. As in a slow motion movie she proceeds to swan dive to the floor where lo and behold said eyeglasses become ground zero for her ample derriere. A snap, a crackle and yes, there was a pop. And the best part...the thoughtful nurse had called to tell me something that I already knew, 5 hours before. Bless her little heart. | |
So in a state of limited vision hubs and I trekked to Mr. Miracle, the eyeglass fixer. A miracle worker I tell you, a magic man. The only evidence of damage was a missing rhinestone. Yes, for this non-sparkly girl there are shiny bits involved. I can see again and now back to the machine.
- I might be getting too old for such excitement.
- I woke up with a new "crick" in my neck. Like I need another thing!
- I even braved Walmart today for loose fitting wear for her to use during physical therapy. I don't shop, I don't do Walmart, it was quite a stressful time, Really. And there's the whole vision thing. Adjustments.
- I need tea, right now. Thank You for your patience.