Muttering to Myself (and the dog)

An odd day this one. Starts and stops, fits and fancy. Noisy traffic down on the street, big house when you are the only one here, cold wind rustling the wind chimes. I've been making loom knitted hats again. Busy work, but fun. Lots of yarn purchased with some great purpose at one time, that purpose long forgotten and not recorded. So now... a hat or two.'Burgh Feeding
Light up night here, Friday Nov. 21st. I did not take this photo, when this was happening I was stuck in out-bound traffic, for two hours. My joke was that I spent so much time in the car yesterday, to and from the hospital, that I feared a blood clot in my leg! I call it "commuter cramp."

Thoughts on a day:
  • I had planned to pick these stems for the kitchen table, to brighten it up, you know? That didn't work out, we had a freeze.
  • I have trouble ordering RTW. I hate, hate, hate to shop so I find a brand, a name, with consistent sizing, go the site, order. Done. In the UPS truck. On my doorstep. Well 'somebody' changed their sizing. Now I have a load of very roomy items in the queue. 
  •  Image result for photo UPS truck
  • I have sort of a snow day today. No snow, just icy roads. Mr. has moved to transitional care and I am skipping the daily hospital vigil. He is coming along. I am going to quilt. No guilt, just quilt. Unity - Baby Lock sewing Machines
  •    I have entire seasons worth of special programs recorded on my DVR. Just deleted most of them.  Why do I even bother to record them when I almost always delete them? I saved the Martha Stewart Cooking School collection. I bought the book. Might as well go for the whole magila.
  • I also saved 13 episodes of Masterpiece Theater, heaven only knows what all is in that group.  I tend to have an ironing marathon and watch the entire season in a sitting. It is the only way I can tolerate ironing. I hate, hate, hate to iron............and shop!
  •  Now fabric shopping, now that is a different sport all together. 
  • My dog, Miss Lucy, never, ever stops shedding. 
  • We saw a news special about the War Dogs a week or so ago. What magnificent animals, trained within a hair of perfect. An organization in Texas is bringing them back, rehabilitating them and try to adopt them out to willing families. The intro video explains, in very specific detail, how special these animals really are. And there are major challenges to adopting them. Mr. thought we should get one, a big guy to follow our dear Auggie. After the video I decided that another big dog is probably not in the cards for us. Particularly one with guarding and aggressive tendencies. I am leaning to a War Poodle, small. Mr. wants a Wiener Dog. I sense a compromise in the works. In the meantime Lucy is holding down the canine fort. 
  • I cannot seem to do one thing at a time. Projects I mean. If you plan, start, work on and complete one project at a time, please tell me how. 
  • Off to sew a bit, Sewing relieves anxiety. Sewing centers a restless soul. 
    Hand stitched and quilted Redwork Christmas from a few years ago. Unpacking the Holiday pieces, brings back memories.


sandi s said…
Loved your post today! I always have several projects going and just work on what has captured my attention at the moment. I have 3 weenie dogs, all rescues and I love them to death! Hugs,
celkalee said…
Funny, we were talking about little Wiener dogs in our group today! They are sweet. Thanks for commenting, if you have a dog, you always talk to else would they know what is going on?