After my first wet felting experiment last week I came home with unbridled enthusiasm. I should have bridled it. Trust me, this turned out way different than I planned. In the spirit of blog honesty I must show you that not everything I do in
Sewtopia is not exactly perfect or even photo worthy. Pathetic is the descriptive I have chosen for this project, pathetic. OK, hold on to your chair here she comes!
So here is side number one. I have my lipped tray, I have my big holed tulle, I have my yarn laid down in nice little wispy layers and she is all soaped up. I massaged her gently as instructed. |
Turn this baby over, pull up the wispy ends over the edge of my styrofoam disc. |
This is side two of the disc, note that I taped it together to get a 6 inch circle from packing foam. |
Our beautiful hand-dyed wool roving. |
Laying the wisps on side two. |
Getting ready to soap and massage side two. |
All soaped up on side two, maybe too much soap? Not enough massage? Anyway, this was repeated two more times on each side. |
The bottom, A giant hairball? A single shoe for Mr. Frankenstein's monster? Have I made felting history? |
Terri suggested I cut it up to make coasters..........might work. |
Even after two hours or so of massage, remove the disk, firm up the edges, rinse, rinse, rinse. What do we have? Beats me! One time we found something like this floating in the pool after a long winter. It had feet. That's all I'm going to say! Lessons learned:
- people who say this is easy are just rude!
- My rings haven't been this clean in a long time!
- My skin is peeling off my hands!
- I feel bad that I essentially wasted good roving, disrespect to the sheep if you ask me!
- Will I try again? Absolutely. If nothing else I will have lovely collection of HAIRBALLS!
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