Not too much to glow about this last week. Granny fell a little flat when she could have given Matthew good advice. Even the zingers she comes up with were a bit off. And of course, Lady Mary is being prickly. Her flash smiles (you know what I mean, her face and expression frozen then, wait for it, a little quick flash of smile, then woosh...gone) Watch the eyebrows, there is usually a little lift before the smile. This whole episode seemed very choppy to me. Lady Edith is mostly over the left at the alter episode. Pitty the poor tiara, discarded like a dollar store trinket!
Now these two remind me of the House Mothers at my Nursing School. The dour expressions seem to say, "don't be late we are watching the clock!" Don't misunderstand, I rather like them both, but Ethel is the strong person in this story line. Poor girl. And little Charlie is such a sweetheart. I'll bet he gets some new duds and a pony.
Bates is still in the slammer while Anna dithers. She might want to add a little color, looking very washed out, a little swipe of lipstick maybe? Please....lets move this storyline along, boring, dreary, certainly not using Mr. Bates to his capacity are we?
Matthew is going to step in it, you know he will, and Mary is turning into a shrew!
Thomas is trolling.
And the kitchen maid got a promotion (I think little Daisy is going to start acting like O'Brien soon) and Alfred may be the next official Cad. Too many plot and subplots going on and not well developed. Thank heavens for the house and the clothes!
****See this video clip from tomorrow night's episode, check out Lady Mary's blouse!