Fall Farewell, Sewing in a Storm

The Last Few Golden Leaves, 2012
Last week it was warm and sunny. This week, not so much. With Sandy bearing down on the East Coast, we are all concerned and hope for the best. The storm is to reach us later tonight. I hope that we don't loose power because I want to sew. Fortunately, I can use my mechanical machines without fear of power surges via generator. My Rocky!

I have received the jelly rolls of "snow" white and "off" white strips I want to use for the sashing for the Dogwood Charm Quilt.  They look much alike.  The top one is the off-white, the difference is minimal.

*very late last night I wrote this post and forgot to post it.....sorry.  In the meantime the terrible damage of the storm has been revealed. My thoughts and prayers to all affected. 


ELMO said…
Wow, those jelly rolls look almost identical. Lovely foilage!
Corrine said…
I know. That is the one downfall of on-line ordering. I will use them both, of course because I use quite a few neutrals.