Good grief, this month is going so fast, can you believe it is the middle of the month? Already? Neither can I. Have you ever been to a Zoom birthday party? Always interesting to embrace new technology but not the same. Anyway Happy Birthday Cousin Barb! We had a great sunny warm weekend here, the days are getting shorter, dark by 7:30, I am not ready.
A great football weekend here, Univ. Pitt won, Penn State won, Pittsburgh Steelers won. Now I can settle my heart rate.
My studio is out of reach right now. The Stair Glide is broken. I did a bottom scoot down this morning but up is another story. Of course, Lola loves to get in on the action. That made it a little more fun, so I wait for the repairman. Steps are off-limits for me now. So there's that. I cannot show the baby items because the Mom hasn't seen them yet. Soon. On the edge of my hillside blooms a Pyracantha that my mother gave me 50 years ago. This is just one section, it has taken over that entire corner. I can't climb up there anymore so it has sort of developed a mind of it's own. It is sometimes called a Fire thorn. The little berries turn red at this time of year and the birds love them.
The last of the hydrangea have been picked and placed in a large vase I keep on the back porch to pop them in. I like to let them just sit there for a while so any little hitch hikers can find somewhere else to hang out.
Have I mentioned that I live in the woods? This is what I call the "Turkey Walk." Why you ask? This area is the one of the areas carved away from this steep hillside that winds around the back of the house. The turkey, the deer, and every critter known to us, including the cute little baby groundhog, walk along this path, usually at dawn and dusk, as they scan the gardens and stop for water along the way. With darkness falling a bit sooner now, they are a bit off their game. The turkeys have been running back and forth, with the babies growing every day, in late morning and mid-day. What characters they are!