Mind How You Go.....

 May be an image of Vanda orchidThe orchid room at Phipps is much like a fantasy secret garden. Such exotic plants, I never cease to be amazed. I have one left that I haven't killed. It is all green, for about 5 years despite multiple efforts to force a bloom. I have air roots, but not one bloom. My dear son bought me an orchid for Mother's day five years ago. I killed the poor thing but didn't want him to know so I dashed out, bought another one. That is the one still hanging on. 

So, this time I mean it, no more big projects! Well unless the concrete man finds time for me. That is another story. Anyway, bathroom is done. Yippee, well done, nice workmen, I am happy. The family room will be complete when the sofa and the rug arrive. Chairs are here, now I have a place to sit. 

Spare bedroom furniture arrived, minus mirror. Because we emptied these rooms it was the perfect time to scrub walls, restore hardwood, climb up to brush clean the dentil molding. Ask me if there is any part of my old body that doesn't hurt!   

In the near future I will strip the fireplace mantle, I was just not up to it after everything else. So, there you go. 

 Endeavour Filming Locations in Oxford

If you are a fan of Endeavor on Masterpiece Theater, you already know that it has ended. I am rather sad about that. Truly one of the most engaging and thoughtful television programs I have ever watched. I may just buy the entire series on DVD to re-watch. It was that good. Over the 9 seasons we have seen just how beautiful Oxford, England really is. I was there, several years ago, but only got to spend a short time.  

In one of the pre-finale shows they listed some of Det. Thursday's favorite sayings. The one that struck me over and over was ..."mind how you go." My grandmother used to say this. Rather than be careful, watch out for...." etc. it was one of those statements that had multiple meanings without making specific statements. 

All righty then, the last of the 30 day challenge posts for now. The bookshelf is not done, there is much to consider before I tackle that one. I am sorting so many books, I will work on them a bit at a time. 

The embarressing before.
And here we have a charming little pile of tear sheets waiting to be filed, for a month or so......

Tucked between piles of this and that, this Janome serger threaded with black threads, needs a bit of oil.
So we have all sorts of bits and pieces of new and older equipment, tool time items actually that are just bundled and sort of lost on top of these chests.
The far end of these double chests has stacked bins of projects in queue for cutting. One I actually forgot about. Somehow it didn't get listed in my January inventory.
I had this charming little binder that did not ever get to it's intended use. So the tear sheets that I kept were tucked in here.
I still get a bit of a kick out of the title stamped on the front here!
So the first end of the double chests holds the Coronet bobbin winder, the item sits on this pull out drawer, its labeled. I have shown this before but it is important for me to label things. I have so much stuff in this small space, it would easily get lost.

A homey touch.

So, I separated the Clear Blue Tiles in this bin. This is one of the Amazon Basics canvas-like bins.
The Lutterloh system and tools are in another.
I added this tailoring/pressing tool in there as well. Garment sewing would be my most likely use for it. This is a new one, the old one has been gone for some time.
Here they are, three in a row. All tucked in, nice and neat.

That is the last of the cleaning posts for now. Phew, that was a long 30 days! 
