Good morning, and Happy Christmas! While the "official" celebration is December 25th, we celebrate the "between" week as well.
This photo, above, is from the Frick Mansion, Clayton, in the East Liberty neighborhood of Pittsburgh. A Victorian masterpiece, the Christmas tours mark our nod to the times where boxing day was a true holiday. This year, because I cannot climb those tall steps, we have deferred that tour. Next year, I will be there, God willing. Boxing Day, the 26th, was an opportunity for employers to gift
their butlers, maids, gardeners, and cooks. We always thank our regular
helpers before Christmas. This includes our garden helpers, delivery
helpers etc. Never really knowing their circumstances, we do our best to
respect their hard work.
*A photo from Summer, Memorial Day I think, using the twin vintage quilts from Grams. (husbands maternal grandmother)
Another tradition for me is to look back over the years posts to see what was most popular here. I haven't sewn much in retrospect but much of what I did sew was gifted.
*Another vintage quilt from Grams
In 2023 I would like to do more, of course, but I also know that my focus needs to be different. I am not sure what that will be, but I am making lists, checking them twice, and having a good think about what I want to do. My physical condition does limit my work, of course, but I am hoping that after my surgery, those screws and metal plates in my back will allow me to return to some semblance of the sewist I want to be.
*A quilt using the same print in different colors.
For a start, I did give myself a much needed improvement to the studio space. I bought a nice big heater/hepa filtered unit that makes that freezer downright cozy in about 15 minutes! Gone are the little space heaters. I am now and have always been easily chilled. A basement space, while perfectly suited for what I do, just was not working. Heat was the answer. I will review the unit in a few weeks. I have searched for some time and this one, function and cost wise, was the answer.
*She made this quilt to give me for a Christmas, years ago, then apparently forgot about it. When I sorted out her attic, I found it, with several others, a note attached with my name and its intended purpose. I miss my family every day but at the holidays even more so. A fact of life. These quits all have memories attached. I also want to share the collection during the upcoming year.
So as we approach 2023, let us look back with fond memories of what has been while we enjoy what is now. This moment, this day, will be as special as we choose to make it.
Look for the magic, in nature, in your home, in your sewing space.