Looking forward to the new seasons is one of the great benefits of living in a temperate climate. My Rose-of-Sharon bushes are in full bloom right now, they are hardy and will continue to bloom until the first cold snap. And then, the glorious Fall (Autumn) changes begin. Until then, we continue to enjoy and explore the beauty of our late Summer.
One of my favorite art genre's is flora and fauna. Botanical art, in water, pencil, and oil, truly captivate me. I have NO talent, no matter how often or how hard I try, it's not so good. Not that I am giving up, I am not, I wanted to share some stunning examples a collaboration between Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens'
Botanical Art and Illustration Program, and the Allegheny Highlands
Botanical Art Society. This link will take you to a virtual show, HERE. The show will be available to view in the Phipps welcome center in October. This show also features caterpillars, bees, and butterflies. Yes, it does. I will attend that one in the Fall, but in the meantime, studying these examples gives me another year of this show to enjoy.
This brings me to a measured conclusion of our pending season change in the Mid-Atlantic states. I propose that we really do have 5 seasons here. Around mid-August I have noted that early morning and evening temperature are much cooler than even two weeks before. The dew is heavier in the morning and often fog lies in the valleys. This is typical to our area, has been since I can remember. It is not Fall, the days are still warm, no leaves have colored or fallen, it lasts about 5 or 6 weeks then early Fall arrives.
I have been tinkering with watercolor brushes and pencils. I start with a line drawing/sketch and fuss about after that. As soon and if I have anything decent to show, I will share.
I am almost done with this book. An interesting read,describing life in the UK after WWII. With rationing still in effect for some items like furniture, some food products, and household goods, the 1950's newly wed and those wed pre-war, life was difficult and setting up a home a challenge. An interesting comparison made by the author about the superior benefits of the American housewife vs. the UK housewife are made as well. Since we did not have a battle ground on our soil, the comparisons are inevitable. She interviewed several ladies and mined letters and journals for the information.
Loved this one, I think I mentioned this one before. I hope there will be a follow up soon.
A novel, I read this one because there was "quilt" in the title. Sort of a beach book read, I'm sure it has its audience.
- As University of Nebraska Alumni, we are spending the afternoon watching the Nebraska vs. Northwestern football game broadcasting from Ireland. That is about as interesting as it gets!
- I am a bit grounded today from some annoying after effects of an epidural treatment the other day. This is new but there will be no sewing today.
- That's all for today. I hope your day is full of sunshine and pretty little flowers.