Hello everyone. I hope you are having a good week, Christmas preparations in full swing, and you still have some time or energy left to consider just one more project! If not for this holiday, don't forget that Valentines day, birthdays etc. are just around the corner. News of new babies on the way, graduations and special events including Mothers Day are really not that far away if your plan is to quilt or gift another sewn project.
As I often do, and plan to continue once a month into the New Year, sharing the work of other people, those with businesses, or friends with projects is a high point in the schedule. There is always something new circulating in the social media platforms but often something old is really new again!
First up, of Primitive Gatherings, Lisa Bonjean shares her wall of Little Quilts, HERE. (*PLEASE note this post has advertisements for her brand, but truly, it is full of ideas and I have no compensation related to showing this information. )
I only have a few mini-quilts but some people have many more. One of the commenters on this post mentioned that she had more than 500. Yikes, how do you display so many?
Melissa Corry is a quilt designer and generous artist who has shared this tote and a tutorial several times. It is a cutie and really quick to make. Who doesn't need a bag for your knitting, books, for the Farmers Market? (I am thinking of a waterproof lining, or at least water resistant fabric for next Spring and Summers market.) Here she shares some examples that may tickle your bag making skills!
A Charming Tote, tutorial HERE.
Next I want to change my needles here, I have shared Purl Soho patterns in the past, and quite frankly most are way beyond my skill level, but this simple stockinette wrap is a possibility! I will admit to making something similar to this in the past but I sort of cheat using circular needles because we all know I am a dropper! I drop food during prep, I drop earrings when dressing, and lo and behold, I drop stitches!
They featured this yummy undyed baby camel yarn for this project and it could not be more beautiful! They named it the Elementary Wrap, the directions are HERE.
- My heart breaks for those affected by the devastating tornado's. There are no words. Just remember there are always donation scams out there when there is a national tragedy like this. Only support those organizations you have vetted.
- With so many appointments in the last month or so I have to say I am just plain exhausted. I sat in my stitching chair, item in hand, and fell sound asleep after lunch today, for 2 hours! Not to belabor the point, but there has to be another way to schedule life that does not do this.
- My neighborhood is decorated so nicely. I couldn't help but be thankful for those who turn their lights on early, or leave them on all night to add some cheer to those who drive to work and other destinations when it is still dark!