Tea Time Tuesday

My Shamrocks are blooming!
Today, we have croissants with our tea.
Complete the collection!
Good Morning Stitchers! Tea Time post is a day late today. Blogger is "updating" the platform and I decided to wait until all that fussing was done. I am not sure if it is but lets examine this little Gif. This is a photo of the new April Cornell tea set with matching linen available now. It is SO pretty, no, I didn't get it. I am out of tea pot storage room!

A Victoria Sponge for the Hubs!
  • It is a glorious Summer so far!
  • Each day brings new growth of plants and flowers, little critters emerging from their nests. Our baby ground hog is chubbing up! He/She waddles right past me and continues to nibble away.
  • The bunnies have left the nest and are hopping all over. Lola is having little spasms every time she sees one.
  • The birds chirp and fly all around us. 
  • The serenity of living in the woods. 
May your day be warm and sunny, filled with calming sights and sounds. May your needle find its way to projects that inspire. Stay safe, stay well, and as Nicola Parkman says....bye-z-bye!
