Good morning thread friends! Today I am bumping into all sorts of gardening posts and pictures. Since my space is in a holding pattern it seems, I am living vicariously through some favorite blogs. One of my favorites is Aiken House and Garden. Carolyn is an accomplished photographer and author. Her beautiful spaces on PEI are breathtaking. This is just a tiny sample of what she shares today. Take a moment and visit HERE to see all the glorious blues and purples now blooming up there. Spring has been a little slow to come to her island but well worth the wait.
It is not just my gardens in a holding pattern. I am as well. I am happy to say that my MIL is stable right now and enjoying all the attention she is getting after her recent hospitalization. I am staying close to home because I need to be.
I am hoping, hoping to get some stitching done. It has been near impossible recently and I am having a type of withdrawal.
- How do you jump start your creative process when it has been stalled for some time. So far I have taken a class. More on that soon, I hope. I have done a 2 day Shop Hop and had a charming little brunch get together with quilting friends. I feel like I need some sort of ephiphany.
- I spent some time doing a pro and con list of my dilema and have decided that a good clean out and rearrangement of the studio is in order. That has worked in the past, I am thinking positive. I will need a puppy sitter for a few hours. That is a plan.
- Now a call for help. I just moved a large lilly plant outside to perk it up. It has been in a corner, in my bedroom, against a lace panel at the window. Not just any lace panel. It was purchased in England, a reproduction of one in Queen Victoria's bedroom, woven on the same loom. The problem is that at some time the edge touched the drip pan and all that dirty brown water wicked its way up into the panel, about 6 inches. I am sick and before I try to clean it I need to collect ideas of how to un-do the damage. Not the end of the world, of course, but possibly the end of that panel. Of course, I could always put the plant back and no one would know....except me! The lace is a synthetic fabric, not the cotton like the original.