Checking In.................

This is a little Tasha Tudor print. From From Tasha Tudor and Family website.
Despite the oppressive heat and humidity here I am looking forward to Fall. 103 years ago a lovely little baby entered the world, she would be known as Tasha Tudor. (*the full story is on the family website) An unbelievably talented artist, Tasha is known for her charming illustrations in water color and pencil depicting her family life, her pets and animals as well as her gardens and lifestyle.   

Lola the Wonder Dog went for her first beauty shop appointment. She did well, we were nervous that it would over stimulate her. She is a sensitive little girl, loves people, loves other dogs but the large German Shepard barking next to her gave her the trembles. She did fine. I think the staff was relieved when we left so they could get to work. 
 Her curls have been blown and dried and fluffed, the little curls that were covering her eyes have been trimmed away and she is sporting an new neck scarf and a bow in her hair! From there we went to visit the church offices, she was the bright spot of the week. Then we visited the assisted living residence where MIL now lives. She cheered so many. She is enthusiastic, soft and fluffy. She brought smiles and a few tears to the residents she met. Such a small gesture for such sad and lonely elders. 


Jeanneke said…
Lola is not the only sweet one, my dear; you are an/the example to her.
And to many others. How wonderful you two brought love, attention and sweet memories to the (vulnerable) elderly.
Love and blessings,
