Do You Journal Your Projects?

I've recently joined the McCalls Pattern Facebook group to try to get myself motivated to start sewing some basic clothing again. For 50 years I made all my clothes except for bras and some special super-tailored pieces. Then time and quilting took over my life, literally. Now I want to return to those roots and focus on some simple items. Since my retirement wardrobe is about as simple as you can get my room-mate has made some remarks about how my clothing is a bit boring! The cheek on this guy, really!  
To jump-start the process I started a new journal where I collect ideas, sketches and pattern information. I have many of these dedicated to quilting and crochet and another one as a time tracker that I keep right beside my sewing machine. Why? I don't really know except that I like to track my time, it makes me more efficient, I think.
Sometimes I have great ideas while stuck in city traffic and I jot them down in notes on my phone and elaborate when I get home. I am thinking I might be a little obsessive...........

So now I am in the process of sorting through patterns. I have many that I have bought over the last year with honorable intention but no action. I purged many, many some time ago when I finally got the brilliant notion that I will not ever be THAT size again. Te- He!

I have had several false starts for this project but I am hoping that the lovely ladies on the McCall site will inspire and motivate me. 

When I ceased making garments my skill level was very high. I even put welt pockets in sweatshirt jackets.....don't even make a snide remark about that💥 

I am essentially starting over, it almost feels like I am nine years old again, pumping away on my Grandmother's ancient treadle machine. 
  • Facebook has provided multiple opportunities for the Sewist to expand skills and join with like-minded individuals. 
  • Sewing machines have certainly changed since I started sewing. One of the greatest improvements in machines from the basic to the top of the line is controlling tension.
  • I am grateful for the warm welcome from the ladies of the Facebook McCall Patterns group, this should be fun!  
We celebrated out 48th anniversary recently. The gown was not boring! Interesting note, this was 1969, please look closely, that is a lace bell sleeve on that gown. See.....all things come back in fashion! Bell sleeves are hot, hot, hot right now.
I still have the gown, up in the attic, one of those sizes that I will never see again. 
