There are more things to do than time to do them at this time of year, have you noticed? We have been busy here with one thing or another and need a little bit of a break. Miss Lucy is struggling to walk, Labs notoriously have hip problems. 15 years ago this sweet girl was found in a dumpster outside a supermarket in a bad neighborhood. She came to me 10 years ago. It is hard to watch her lose her independence and playful puppy attitude. We are working on using assistive devices to help her move around. It is a process.
Hello! We have new tile in the Mondo bathroom! I belong to an online Quilters group who all travel in recreational vehicles. It is a unique niche group I admit. Last week the conversation centered around the notorious brown interiors in most new units. I looked at other colors, really, I did, but in the end we have shades of brown. I am going to be ejected from the group! |
Doing a bit of decorating in Mondo. The bathroom was blah, blah beige. Now we have a feature wall. There is a lot of water sloshing around in here at times and I feared peeling wall paper. This should help me sleep better. |
On another front, I have been drying herbs. This photo does not illustrate that but this is where I do it. This little oven has a basket rack that is perfect for the dehydrating cycle. You can set your time and experiment. |
I washed and dried these sage leaves then put them in the little oven on the dehydrate setting and about 1 hour and 10 minutes later I had perfectly dried leaves. I leave them whole and crumble when I use them. They are stored in a stonewear jug. Normally, I would spent two days or so turning the leaves on a cookie rack. I am in love.
So, in conclusion, I will be spending some time, on the back porch with a nice glass of tea reading, planning for Fall and watching the grass grow. It is time for a break. The recent health issues and surgery has left me rather tired. There is more to come and I think this is a good time to spend a week with me. So, I'll be back in about a week. Enjoy the last beautiful days of Summer and don't look directly at the sun during the eclipse. Toodles.