A Sunday at Home, Playing with Destiny

A small collection of Stahl-Germany pottery. I am missing the salt canister. I know another collector, with hundreds of pieces, also missing the salt! It will soon be time to rotate the collections for Fall decorating. My favorite season, Fall is a beautiful respite from the oppressive heat and humidity, but oh the leaves.........millions of leaves.
British Style 2016
This is really not my library, wish. Photo from Victoria Magazine promotion.
On a sweltering Sunday afternoon I like to pursue quiet activities. A have several books in progress, I may just finish one today.  My library needs a bit of a tidy-up but not today. 

 Visiting my fabric stash, love this. Not sure what to do with it yet. That's OK. For now, visiting is enough.
  • I seem to never feel rested with this heat.
  • An entire afternoon and evening in the studio yesterday experimenting with some embroidery ideas.
  • The fashion trend for Fall? Embroidery, lots of it. Denim with embroidery accents all over the place starting at Guicci all the way down to Target. 
  • Off to "Destiny Camp" this week. A bit of a learning curve on the Big Girl. I am excited and a bit intimidated but ready to go. 
  • Karma, a funny thing. Not Ha! Ha! funny but ironically funny. Saw it in action the other day, been pondering it ever since. Karma.  


ELMO said…
Destiny Camp, I like how that sounds, like you are preparing for your destiny. God speed!! Meanwhile, can you come to my house and find the magazine that had the instructions for the first quilt I ever wanted to make? I guess it's not my destiny to make it ;)