The jugs are Eldreth Pottery originals, Strasburg, Pa. These photo's do not do them justice, they are beautiful.The little redware bird is too. The butter churn is antique and it still works, the candle is old and since I rarely burn them anymore (fear forgetting and fire if truth be told) it just happened to be there. |
Fabric on sale, it doesn't get better than that. This collection is botanical, ten inch squares. I saw a pattern in a magazine some time ago using the ten inch squares, cut into three equal sections and assembled like a rail fence with each block turning. It was stunning. I need to find the pattern but that is what I think I will do with these.
Mustard, mossy green, blue, brown colors in the collection.
Another famous question among quilters is "How much fabric is too much fabric in the stash?" Well, darned if I know but if I like it and it is on sale, well, it probably needs to come home with me. It is going to be a long Winter so I need to stock up, right? Did you agree or not I can't hear you!