Good morning all happy Friday stitchers! I am always in awe of all the bloggers who post all the projects they have finished by Friday. I will likely not be finished with "Sunnyside" until later today but yesterday was a full day of machine bonding! One and one half hours to un-stitch. Another hour or so to restitch, trim, make and apply the binding. Now the turning and stitching, by hand. I was going to try the machine application this time but this quilt is too big to wrestle on the first try. Another time perhaps. I finally got some photo's of the Organization Project uploaded. I will link to that when it is completed. A little slow on that but the Big Yellow Dog has been keeping us busy. He is walking again, mostly unsteady but he is walking. He is not as fussy as he has been and sleeps one to two hours between outdoor necessities. He still needs help to come to standing but we are making progress. I have biceps, pressing 110 pounds of yellow fur. (not as much fun as you might think!)
Button, button, who's got the button? While attending a class about my new machine I became aware of some cutsey buttons. Not my usual attraction, but I think they would be a cute token trim on a wall piece. |
And just look at these! Snowmen with little green or red neck scarves. I have ideas. |
And since I am in my planning stages for the Holidays this little collection caught my eye. No pattern yet but I will come up with something. The fabric is waaaaaay too cute. |
A Sewist and her laser beam. What more could you want? |
So that's all for this week. It has been mostly productive. The garden needs attention, I need to measure for curtains and remove some furniture that I have decided needs to move on. I have a little project on my mind for the 4th of July, hope I can get to it. Have a wonderful first Summer week-end. See you next week!
*Gratuity Moment-arthritis medication
**Gratuity Moment-Husband indulges my sewing passion
***Gratuity Moment-Nice weather today, I don't have to water anything either!