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Tied Up in a Bow-Muttering on a a Monday
Vintage Costume Jewelry
- I saw this piece on a One Kings Lane sale site some time ago. I saved the photo because I have this piece, somewhere. I have not found it yet.
- I am wondering how many of the people that I saw schlepping around this weekend in flip-flops and shorts are sick this morning. 40 degrees does not a summer day make.
- The beginning of the muddy season here makes me question the wisdom of the color of the newish family room room carpet, I have mostly purchased only carpets that blend with dirt. This little lapse might be a catastrophe. Big dogs have big feet and when they run and frolic the undercarriage gets more than a little soiled.
- Since it is also cleaning season there is some built in redundancy in the process.
- I have blamed my sleeplessness on the time change last fall. Lets just see how accurate I was with that conclusion. Springing ahead may or may not provide answers.
- Mr. Sewtopia is mending slowly after his surgery. He has just admitted that he has been Ebay bidding like a casino, running up the bids to get what he wants and occasionally bidding much higher by hitting too many zeros. Damages may be significant. This whole recuperation business has its flaws.
- Club BMV is having a big sale. (the pattern club site) I chose 6 patterns but haven't pushed the buy button. I think I already have two of them in the stash. I need to check, I have done this before.
- Time, in general, is flying by. I did manage to mine the stash for the fabrics I will use for the aprons. I washed the fabrics for the new kitchen curtains. Not a quilt block was sewn this weekend. Everybody has needs, there is no time left for thread.
The Editorial
Time is the issue. And that leads me to that number thing at the end of the posts. Right now number is 39. When I started this blog I joked and said....."I'll do it for a while, maybe for 1000 posts and then I'll stop." That was January 21, 2011. The topic, can you believe it, was aprons! It has been good, I have 'met' so many great people. Talented artists who create and share. The number is a count down to that 1000 number and it has led me to make a decision. I need to reduce my online time, at least for a while. I am so grateful to everyone who has commented and emailed about one subject or another. I am not quitting entirely, just concentrating more on the projects and getting back to the original purpose of the blog. The sewing. Whether it is garments, quilts, totes, whatever. Time is the issue and I like everything all wrapped up in nice little bows. Completed rather than in-progress. I have so many ideas swirling around up there it is really busy in my head and I need to focus. Focus was the watch word for 2014 and it is getting shelved too often because of interruptions and distractions. Therefore, you will see fewer posts here but hopefully better content. My plan is to post on Fridays, a Friday finish so to speak. An occasional in-progress photo selection may show up now and then. So.......
See you Friday!
I wish you all the best and for Mr. Sewtopia a full and prosperous recovery.
Love and blessings,