Working With Pink and Green

Perennial Sweat Pea, Lathyrus Latifolius
 My struggle with the "Dogwood" quilt color palette has been well documented here. Of course it was finished some time ago but truthfully, there are some things I would change. This photo does not do it justice. I should have used the green fabric for the background, I think, but I couldn't find any.
 Now take a look at this beautiful pillow made by Jeaneke for her Grandaughter. I much prefer the prominent green of this fabric line. Too cute with the yo-yo's.  Visit Jenneke Here. See all her projects on her blog. There is a language translator on the right sidebar.  Dear Jeanneke send on more photo's of pillows she has made with this pattern, I will feature them in another post....Blogger formatting is acting up this morning! Have a great day. moda
