Gathering Thoughts on a Monday

  • We have recently been informed, by a neighbor, that coyote's are roaming our woods. He has confirmation, I will spare the details. I can no longer let my Dogs frolic there, too dangerous.
  • My Mt. Everest Project  (where I challenged myself not to buy any ready made clothing for a year)  has been  mostly easy. I am a little surprised, to say the least. I did buy two new cardigans at the Talbot Outlet early in summer.. And shoes, of course. I will not be making shoes. Many other bloggers have embarked on similar treks, they admitted to many struggles. I sense that my shopping passion has gone flat. Who knew?
  • Herb Garden
    dream garden
  • I am already planning a new herb garden for next year.
  •  The news about Forever 21 reducing their all full time staff to part-time to compensate the impact of the "Affordable Care Act" is sad. A trend I fear.  information here
  • Several of my favorite bloggers have dropped off the scene. Their talent and presentation made blog reading fun. 
  • Several of the best bloggers are still out there pounding the keys, researching their passions and sharing their thoughts and lives. Thank you. 
  • I am trying to embody the concepts of The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom a Toltec Wisdom Book,9781878424310The Four Agreements.
  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don't take things personally.
  3. Don't make assumptions.
  4. Be the best person you can be. 
  • I am a work in progress.  Lots of work.
