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- My flowers were beautiful last year, this year I have abundant leaves.
- I like little projects, I am sensing a creative shift.
- Spiders are amazing creatures, so much hard work over night. Miserable beasts!
- Container gardening is not all it's cracked up to least my container gardens.
- Maybe we should have kept the boat.
- No matter how hard I try, I make a mess when I sew.
- I love my dogs.
- When you need a 'comeback' to a rude or otherwise arrogant person, you need a stand-by comment. I read a blog the other day and a good one surfaced. The response by the offended person to the offender was...."Cheap Shoes!!!" Love it.
- I need to be more consistent with contacts to old friends. Or they with me.
- Schedules are good things, flexibility is even better.