What a week! Every single day was crowded with commitments, obligations, appointments. All while battling what I thought were early allergy symptoms. No sewing done, just a little knitting. Not my kind of week. A little allergy medicine puts me in lowest gear as well. However, now, the ultimate commitment, Husband has a cold. Yes, a cold. It is not bronchitis, pneumonia or ruptured vena cava, it is a cold. Really, just a cold. "Just a cold?" He moans. "I feel like I am dying!!!" We will leave it at that. Chicken soup today. Now lets talk about the Knifty Knitter.
At my Tuesday Quilt group one our members was making little hats for the same hospital nursery our Quilt Guild donates quilt/isolette covers. She was using one of the cute little looms so popular again. I remember these being the craft du jour in the 60's. I didn't have one, my Father felt it was a frivolous expense. He was frugal by nature. He did spring for my first sewing machine, of course, but making-do was a way of life. (you may remember the story of my first experience sewing clothing and the clothesline missing sheets!!!)
I went to Joann's with coupon in hand and pondered my choices. Four different sizes, each packaged in different combinations. But I know me. If I bought only the small one I would lament in short order that I also needed the larger one. Then, why didn't I just get the medium sized one? On and On. Price wise, with a coupon, I picked up all four for about 3 dollars more than just getting one. Well, anyway, that is my reasoning.
The purple handled hook is used to pull the yarn up over the pegs. It also comes with a plastic large eye needle for closing the top and weaving ends. I like my "00" crochet hook for that. The scissors are for trimming the Pom-Poms.
The Pom-Pom makers. It doesn't look that hard, does it? I always used a piece of sturdy cardboard and wrapped them that way.
The instructions.
Now, back to the title. The Loom part is obvious, but the Pom-Pom maker is what will elicit the confession. I started making the little hats yesterday for a nice little quiet activity. What fun, quick results and could not be easier. Then I opened the Pom-Pom maker, read the directions, first attempt. Well that didn't work. Read the directions again, wrapped the little arms just like they said (or so I thought) That didn't work either. So on to trusty U-tube. Ohhhh, now I get it. Tried again, you guessed it, no Pom-Pom. Now this dreadful flu thing (yes I did get a shot) has really knocked the wind out of my sails but I underestimated that it seems to have drained my brain as well. Back to U-tube. Yikes! Finally! Such a simple task, too much for my my middle aged brain! Not good! Here are the first two.
Gratuity Moment: so glad that I didn't toss or donate all those small balls of yarn.
At my Tuesday Quilt group one our members was making little hats for the same hospital nursery our Quilt Guild donates quilt/isolette covers. She was using one of the cute little looms so popular again. I remember these being the craft du jour in the 60's. I didn't have one, my Father felt it was a frivolous expense. He was frugal by nature. He did spring for my first sewing machine, of course, but making-do was a way of life. (you may remember the story of my first experience sewing clothing and the clothesline missing sheets!!!)
I went to Joann's with coupon in hand and pondered my choices. Four different sizes, each packaged in different combinations. But I know me. If I bought only the small one I would lament in short order that I also needed the larger one. Then, why didn't I just get the medium sized one? On and On. Price wise, with a coupon, I picked up all four for about 3 dollars more than just getting one. Well, anyway, that is my reasoning.
The purple handled hook is used to pull the yarn up over the pegs. It also comes with a plastic large eye needle for closing the top and weaving ends. I like my "00" crochet hook for that. The scissors are for trimming the Pom-Poms.
The Pom-Pom makers. It doesn't look that hard, does it? I always used a piece of sturdy cardboard and wrapped them that way.
The instructions.
Now, back to the title. The Loom part is obvious, but the Pom-Pom maker is what will elicit the confession. I started making the little hats yesterday for a nice little quiet activity. What fun, quick results and could not be easier. Then I opened the Pom-Pom maker, read the directions, first attempt. Well that didn't work. Read the directions again, wrapped the little arms just like they said (or so I thought) That didn't work either. So on to trusty U-tube. Ohhhh, now I get it. Tried again, you guessed it, no Pom-Pom. Now this dreadful flu thing (yes I did get a shot) has really knocked the wind out of my sails but I underestimated that it seems to have drained my brain as well. Back to U-tube. Yikes! Finally! Such a simple task, too much for my my middle aged brain! Not good! Here are the first two.
Gratuity Moment: so glad that I didn't toss or donate all those small balls of yarn.